Common Ailments
Management Of Common Ailments
Colds And Flu
Even in this day and age there is still no magic cure for the common cold. Go to bed, take plenty of drinks. If you have a headache or are feverish, take aspirin or paracetamol. Do not bother to take antibiotics as these will have no effect!
Anti flu vaccinations are available during the winter months for all patients over 65 and patients with the following illnesses: CHD, hypertension, asthma, COPD, diabetes, chronic renal disease, immunosuppression and patients who work in an at-risk environment.
The cough that often accompanies a cold is a helpful reflex action which prevents mucus entering the air passages and causing a chest infection. Using cough medicines in these circumstances may suppress this protection and do more harm than good. Steam inhalation is probably the best treatment. This will also help a dry cough in the absence of a cold, but here the addition of a soothing cough linctus from the chemist may be useful particularly at night.
It may be wise to contact your GP if:
Sore Throats
Four out of every five sore throats are caused by viruses and therefore antibiotics are useless. If your throat is sore but you are otherwise okay there is no need to see the doctor. Simply give children paracetamol syrup and fluids (aspirin should NOT be given to children under 16).
For adults, gargling with soluble aspirin is the most effective remedy. Dissolve two aspirins in one inch of warm water in a glass. Take sips of the solution and gargle with each sip for as long as you can without swallowing.
If you are very hot and unwell and can see white spots on your tonsils you may have a true tonsillitis and you should come and see us at the surgery.
This often occurs with a cold or a sore throat. Paracetamol or aspirin may be all that is required, but if repeated doses are needed every four hours or the painkiller is not working, contact your doctor.
Diarrhoea And Vomiting
In adults, diarrhoea is usually caused by a viral infection and is therefore unable to be treated directly. The symptoms can usually be eased by the traditional kaolin and morphine mixture or by medicines containing codeine.
Holiday diarrhoea is often due to bacteria. Again, kaolin and morphine can be taken.
Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist for more than a few days.
Diarrhoea in very young children and babies needs careful attention. Most babies have loose bowel action during their first six months due to their predominantly liquid diet. Sudden bouts of unusually watery diarrhoea should be treated by taking the baby off solids and feeding them a cooled solution of boiled water with a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to the pint. If the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, or are accompanied by vomiting or weakness, consult your doctor.
This is a serious illness that can be life-threatening. Often the symptoms are similar to many minor illnesses, eg fever, vomiting, drowsiness, impaired concentration, aching limbs.
The major symptoms that suggest meningitis are as follows:
Head Lice
These creatures, contrary to popular belief, prefer clean hair and are, therefore, not a sign of poor personal hygiene. Medicated head lotion can be obtained from the chemist without prescription.
Back Pain
Back pain causes 13 million working days to be lost in Britain each year. The spine supports the whole weight of the upper body so it is understandable that it sometimes goes wrong.
Because of the complex nature of the spine it is advisable to consult your doctor if back pain persists for more than a few days. If, as is usual, the pain has been caused by abuse ie lifting too heavy weights etc, be sensible and take things easy. Take care to sit as upright as possible with a support for the small of the back.
Take aspirin or paracetamol which will not only relieve the pain but will help to relieve inflammation. Your doctor may well prescribe stronger drugs, heat treatment, gentle exercise or some kind of supportive corset.